Rules For The Students:-

1. First , pray in the morning and evening daily to almight God to help you make progress in your study and other Life activities.

2. By reading , remembering question's and answers, rhymes,  poem or proverbs increase your memory power.

3. Prepare a study schedule and regulate it strictly.

4.Read as many books as possible for devloping various reading skills.

5. Do not hesitate to ask your teacher or your clever companions, things you do not grasp clearly,  never let difficult questions unanswered as this will put you into great difficulties later.

6. By group discussions with your other brilliant classmates, you can easily understand the subjects and clear doubts, this will  imprint the knowledge in your mind.

7. Always take down in your diary the work that is assigned for the next day and to it promtply.

8. Take part in elocution, contest and discussion for devlopment of your SPEAKING ability.